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Strangles Puppy

I have a 3 month old puppy that has recovered from puppy strangles. This puppy has no scarring and in every way is a happy, playful lab puppy. My vet has examined this puppy twice and has said the puppy is fine. I have been trying to sell my puppy and when I tell buyers that the puppy had strangles, they run for the hills. One person told me other breeders told her that the puppy could have potential problems down the road. The only other case of strangles I have experienced was many years ago and the puppy lived a long and healthy life with no issues. My question to all of you (especially long time breeders) is if you have had a puppy with strangles and did the puppy have a normal life after that. Or if not, what complications did you encounter? Thanks in advance for any advice.

Re: Strangles Puppy

The puppy will be TOTALLY NORMAL and live a long lab life.

Re: Strangles Puppy

The puppy will be fine : )

Re: Strangles Puppy

I was concerned about a strangles puppy's future, too, many years ago. I spoke with two vets that I trusted and respected and they both told me that there would be no problems......and there weren't. The puppy I bred had a normal life.

Re: Strangles Puppy

I've dealt with something different, yet similar. I use to produce lots of puppy murmurs, I'd hold onto pups until murmurs subsided - around 16 weeks.

I had the same thing - people would be frightened and not even come look at pups when I told them about the past murmur. Then I followed my business oriented husband's advice. My husband is an honest and fair man, he told me not to mention the murmurs until families came out to see pups.

Murmur was mentioned when reviewing medical records. I'd approach it by first talking about pup(s), parents, the Labrador breed, asking family questions, etc. Then I would go over medical history, mentioning all vet checks, vaccinations, etc. I'd mention puppy murmur without any emphasis continuing on "of course it went away" then mentioned rabies shot, any training, heartworm given , flea control, etc. With this method I was fair and honest as I mentioned the previous murmur but emphasis was not placed on the murmur. Sometimes a family would revisit the murmur and ask a few questions but they could see the healthy, happy pup. I never once had a family which I approved of walk away because of the past murmurs once they came out to see pup. However, when I addressed it right away on the phone or via e-mail inquiry, not one good family would pursue pup.

The strangles are gone, pup is fine and healthy. I've never heard of future problems after strangles. Don't make more of it than it is but be honest. You aren't selling strangles, you are selling a healthy, well cared for, well loved pup who overcame a past issue which is now of no essence. All the best!

Re: Strangles Puppy

I have an old girl ( over 12 yrs ) who had a pretty severe case of puppy strangles, she has been a healthy dog, and had a total of 4 large ( 7-11 pups ) litters, and NONE of her offspring had strangles.

Re: Strangles Puppy

My first litter - over 20 years ago - had a puppy with strangles. She had scarring afterwards but otherwise lived a long, normal life until almost 13 years old. I did breed her several times, still have 4th and 5th generation offspring of hers, and only experienced strangles once more. That was a mild case with neck swelling, no pustules or scarring.

Re: Strangles Puppy

Thank you to everyone who responded. I really appreciate it. The puppy will stay happy and well cared for with me until I can find a good home.