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Senate Bill # 82 Pennsylvania...anti-breeder

Although I know that this bill is meant to stop puppy mills, for those of us who are reputable breeders, this bill is scary. Not only does the fate of who is at fault lie in the hands of ONE veterinarian (no allowance for a 2nd opinion), but it will force the breeder to pay a lifetime of vet bills if a dog has a hip or elbow issue (even if they spay or nueter early against your wishes!)

I encourage anyone in PA to make sure you interview vets. I talked to the attorney general and created a form for the vet to sign before I will work with any puppy buyer.

If anyone wants a copy, I can post it here.

I've had one instance where a vet nuetered or spayed waay early and there were joint issues exacerbated by that, but if this is bill passed into law, I'd be held responsible for the expenses, AND have to refund or replace the pup, even if its not genetic!
In one other situation, the vet did a procedure that I would have been VERY against, and didn't tell the owners the pup would die soon after the operation or eventually. I had no ability to replace the pup. Therefore, the owner was left with no pup (and a refund from us, of course, we had to fulfill our side of the puppy lemon law), a pile of vet bills, and a vet who profited.
And I'm so tired of vets not reviewing the latest scientific research regarding early spay/neuter, and are doing this procedure at 4- 6 mos old...then the owners wonder why they have all kinds of joint issues, and the dog does not look anything like the parents...but they took the hormones away that would allow the dog to grow to its full potential!

Re: Senate Bill # 82 Pennsylvania...anti-breeder

That is crazy! It would ruin any breeder the first time a bad joint puppy pops up.
I returned a deposit in my last litter after the owner said that her vet was going to spay at 20 weeks. I did not hesitate. Gave the deposit back and moved on to find another better suited family; but I still get families that send my e-mails to say that their puppy went well on the spay/neuter when the pup is still too young. People don't listen.

Re: Senate Bill # 82 Pennsylvania...anti-breeder

This is why language is so important. Most bills presented use this term and most people have been programmed to think about those images and videos (many staged, doctored or taken out of context) and it evokes a strong emotional reaction. This is the tactics of the Animal Rights groups who want to end all breeding. They present these bills using this name as most people, acting on emotions, will be for it without reading through the bill and realizing it affect most breeders. We as breeders use this slang to vilify and degrade other breeders who breed differently from them. But as the OP just pointed out, it is a slippery slope and most of these bills will hurt ALL breeders. Don't think for one minute, just because it is aimed at "those" kinds of breeders, that's it won't affect you.

Re: Senate Bill # 82 Pennsylvania...anti-breeder


I encourage anyone in PA to make sure you interview vets. I talked to the attorney general and created a form for the vet to sign before I will work with any puppy buyer.

If anyone wants a copy, I can post it here.

I would like a copy, could you post that here please?
Thank you!

Re: Senate Bill # 82 Pennsylvania...anti-breeder

I'd like to see a copy of it too please. Thanks for letting us all know about this!

Re: Senate Bill # 82 Pennsylvania...anti-breeder

I have not read through it yet, but here is a link to it: