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Re: Bladder infections

The best thing to do would be to drop off a urine specimen to your vet tomorrow. Get the first urine of the morning and drop it off as soon as the Vet opens. They'll do a dip stick, specific gravity to check urine consentration and also a spin down to check for blood cells and other types of cells, bacteria, and crystals. I would not give your dog anything that may change the urinary ph until the urine is tested as you would not want to mask anything that may hinder diagnostics....JMO good luck with your dog!

Re: Bladder infections

I get PH strips at amazon 5-10 PH range. But it would be wise to have the vet test urine first to know what you are dealing with.

Crancaps can help get rid of mild UTI (even struvite crystals) but if a severe infection you may need meds.