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Re: Tapeworm!

We are overrun with wascally wabbits...I have treated all of my dogs at least 3 times for tapeworms. They eat the scat, they don't have fleas, all have flea prevention because of the wabbits.

I don't care what anyone says, the eggs are in the rabbit scatt and they munch on the gross nuggets like peanuts

I started adding Nutramin, 1/2 tsp 2x/day to their food. It raises the Ph in the stomach and supposedly kills the eggs. So far this is working better than the food grade diatomaceous earth - I put 1 TBLSP 2x/day of that and they still ended up with the segments. I now have my 4 month pup on 1/4 tsp 2x/day on it. I'll put a link up in a separate post to this one, have to find it.

I have not had a recurrence of segments in about 6 months now - watch, I mentioned this and now I will see them - ugh.

Re: Tapeworm!

Here is some info on Nutramin

You can also Google the word Nutramin to get to the California Earth Minerals site.

It works for me...I started using it because it was recommended as part of a protocol for a bitch who has a resorption problem. After speaking with one of the Vets who consults with the company, he mentioned that it was better thatn DE for controlling tapeworms. That's how I got to using it on a daily basis. I use less than the recommended dose on the packaging.

I am not in any way hawking this product, I just found it to be, for my dogs, a way to control tapeworms.

I did treat them first with meds prescribed by my Vet, and use this product to just keep the nasties away.