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Re: Should I head for the Vets?

My girl was 5.2 on Saturday the 13th, we did a surgical Tuesday, the 16th. I figure she is due today, temp is just starting to come down - 99.8 this am, 100.0 this afternoon and we'll check again before bedtime. She's still eating but is occasionally nesting with newspaper in her whelping box/area and is resting a lot. I'm sure we'll have pups sometime tomorrow. I'm heading to bed soon with baby monitor left near my girl. We better get some rest - busy days ahead :) All the best!

Re: Should I head for the Vets?

TU all. My girl is now 98.2 temp. Ate her dinner and no distress or discharge. Maybe tomorrow or early Thursday.

Re: Should I head for the Vets?

Good Luck!

Re: Should I head for the Vets?

Sounds perfect. Keep us posted and best wishes!

Re: Should I head for the Vets?

Nothing last night. This morning heavy panting, ate some of her breakfast and temp is the lowest I have ever seen 97.3. Maybe tonight. If not then it might be a trip to the Vets.

Re: Should I head for the Vets?

Don't leave her, from my 10 years of experience, I'm guessing it'll be sometime today, probably this afternoon. Some dogs never go off their food. All the best!