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Re: Ads Posters

I think one of the things I liked about Jill's format is that they always included a pedigree and the photos were larger. I don't need to waste bandwith by going to a site if I don't like the pedigree. Jill's format was very simple, yet elegant. The posters are eye-catching and beautiful, but I'd really rather just see the dog. That's jmo.

Design By Lenna

The websites are listed on every one of the spotlight ads, I believe.
Any other information (further pedigrees, OFA links, more photos, pictures of their offspring, etc) will be on the websites for you to check into if seriously interested in a stud dog.

The spotlight ads are just meant to give an initial "taste" of a stud dog, IMHO.

Re: Ads Posters

"Waste bandwidth"? Really?

I think one of the things I liked about Jill's format is that they always included a pedigree and the photos were larger. I don't need to waste bandwith by going to a site if I don't like the pedigree. Jill's format was very simple, yet elegant. The posters are eye-catching and beautiful, but I'd really rather just see the dog. That's jmo.

Design By Lenna

The websites are listed on every one of the spotlight ads, I believe.
Any other information (further pedigrees, OFA links, more photos, pictures of their offspring, etc) will be on the websites for you to check into if seriously interested in a stud dog.

The spotlight ads are just meant to give an initial "taste" of a stud dog, IMHO.

Re: Ads Posters

"Waste bandwidth"? Really?

Yes, some of us out in the country do still have limited bandwidth!]

Re: Ads Posters

Yes they are artistic and very lovely, but that is not what I am looking for. I want more information, bigger pictures and pedigrees. Previously, I alway took time to check each dog's pedigree and associated information. Sometimes that convinced me to take a closer look. With the the new ad style, unless the dog blows me away, I do not bother. I just go on to the next dog.

Re: Ads Posters

I think the new person doing the ads is not a breeder or dog person, so is looking at it from an artistic point of view and not what info breeders shopping for a stud dog want to see. People's attention span is limited, so if the info is not right there in front of them they may just move on, so for advertising a dog for stud better to have clearances and pedigree upfront rather than hoping someone will go to the website based on an artsey picture.

Ads Posters

I just found out that there is also another gal who does the ads... Sonja... does anyone have her information

Re: Ads Posters

Never mind found that information

Re: Ads Posters

Maybe I haven't looked at all of them but I don't remember seeing any ads that DON'T have clearance and pedigree (at least parents) information on them?

Re:Spotlight Ads

It's interesting that some liked the newer format, while other didn't. I do agree that they cound have been a bit smaller in size. Not everyone has a wide screen monitor. I'll make adjustments next time.

I'm happy to do them either way.

While on the subject of The Spotlight Ads. How do most of you feel about running the 2fers as compared with the monthly Ads? I've been thinking of just running them 6 times a year.
