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Re: What's your opinion....


Re: What's your opinion....

If you have a question ask the BREEDER , don't come on here trying to stir up a stink. If the Breeder chooses not to confide in you, I can see why, you just came on a public forum to discuss private business, I wouldn't confide in you either. This falls under , "none of your business" . You either buy semen or you don't . When you have a famous stud dog , then you will fully understand what you have just started, untill then you will behave like the injured party. Move on.

Not that it's any of YOUR business but I used the deceased stud dog a few years ago, I live across the country from the breeder and they won't say. I chose to keep the details private and I'm not trying to "stir up a stink"! Maybe you should learn to comprehend what was written before you act like a bitch.

Re: What's your opinion....

What is sad is there have been several nice stud dogs pass at to me an early age. Eight to ten years. Some I had used and they were nice enough to tell me why, as they knew it. Sometimes you don't know. Sometimes you can look at the pedigree and guess. We can worry, will our pups have what the sire had, but it really is a waste of time. Most will not even be honest with us about TVD, Seizures, etc. No clear dogs out there. Not really.