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Re: Leasing a bitch to show and perhaps get one litter

That is a great way to get started and commendable that you were so willing to offer a good bitch for lease. I agree that if you know the person asking to lease then it makes the situation a little smoother.

Re: Leasing a bitch to show and perhaps get one litter

Stud Owner
So you charged someone to house and show your bitch even before there was a litter?
I have heard of leasing a bitch and the litter is split, including all expenses. That seems fair. The owner does none of the work and they are doing someone else a favor by letting them use their decent bitch for a breeding.
I think for the person whose leasing your bitch to show her is icing on the cake for YOU and I can't believe you'd charge someone to do so!

I did an arrangement close to this a few years ago. It was for someone who needed a "restart" in dogs. We discussed 2 litter sisters. One was finished and the other hardly shown. We came up with $5,000 and no puppies back on the CH. girl or $3,500 and no puppies back on the lightly shown girl. There was a stipulation in the contract, that I would have the option to buy 2nd pick puppy at the regular price of $1500. Leasee would be responcible for all vet fees during the contract, including all costs incurred before, during, and after the whelping. We also agreed if an unfortunate scenario would occur and a full litter of 3 or more puppies did not occur I would allow her to rebreed her again with no additional fees. All this was written down in a contract.
We ended up agreeing to the $3,500 contract for the lightly shown litter sister. At the time, my CH. girl was young and I wasn't finished breeding her. (May have allowed it if her 3 planned breedings had already taken place and was going to retire her). I shared with her the family history behind the bitch and what I thought she needed to improve on. I offered to help her pick appropriate stud dogs that I felt would be a good fit for her.
Everything went well. She got the beautiful bitch that she was looking for. With the right party I would have no trouble doing it again. No regrets.

Or.....You could pay $3500 outright for a pet male puppy who struggles through his short life, euthanized at the age of 23 weeks after he was diagnosed with congenital renal dysplasia with no chance for survival after spending about $1,500.00 in a futile effort to save him. The well known Maryland breeder would not honor the contract even with the puppy buyer paying extra for the "guarantee".
The bitch lease terms seem more than generous when compared to this horror story.

Re: Leasing a bitch to show and perhaps get one litter

Thank you all for your replies.
Everything would be in writing, the girl in question is a CH, she would be going to the other side of the country, they just want a nice showable girl to compete with. The bitch would stay in the owners name, and the owner would pay all showing costs and they would pay all other costs. Still a few things to think about and you have given me a few new ideas.