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Re: Thoughts on Pano

I've had pano on all kinds of food from 2 different lines. I stuck with whatever food they are on and add Vitamin C 500 mg human grade pill, Glucosamine/chondroitin/MSM human grade pill to kibble once a day. These supplements help them get over the Pano quicker. Of course crate rest or decreased exercise. Mine have all recovered within 2 weeks with these supplements added.

Funny that when I went back to a high protein food -32%, which has glucosamine and chondroitin in it and I add Vitamin C, the pano occurrences stopped.

Re: Thoughts on Pano

Should have added, I've had great success with an OCD pup also with the above Glucosamine/Chondroitin/MSM and 500 mg Vitamin C daily supplements - the pup is now 18 months and hunts and runs without surgery and without any limp. The family faithfully gave the supplements and rested pup for 3 months - she's totally healed, no signs of OCD.

Re: Thoughts on Pano

I swear by Vitamin C and have used it for years. An old time breeder told me about it.

There were studies done with dysplastic dogs a few years back though I can find the link it has been removed at UC Davis. They bred dysplastic dogs to each other and gave the puppies the Vitamin C in high doses. The pups from the dysplastic parents with the supplement had less dysplasia in the litters than the puppies without the Vitamin C.

Some of the new supplements for dogs have the Vitamin C added to it.

Re: Thoughts on Pano

Vit C, MSM and crate rest as needed. I always feed a high protein food with a good amount of fat but very low carbs - very seldom have pano.