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Re: Food for bitch in whelp

Try adding pure packed pumpkin every day with each meal. Helped my girl after whelp when she had nasty poo. It was springtime and all that yucky stuff coming out of the soil and eating placentas, puppy get my drift. Anyway, the pumpkin was amazing!

Re: Food for bitch in whelp

Thanks El...
I gave them all acidophilus last year and that seemed to help... I just started them all on it again... and looking into Milky Spore for help getting rid of the grubs... I swear that is why they eat the soil.. It's always the clumps... Ugh!

Re: Food for bitch in whelp

I have grubs too. Not sure it is a bad problem, but there are some and they dig holes. Looks like a minefield. Good luck and I'd love to hear about the Milky Spore. Never heard of it. We hate to use any lawn chemicals.