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Re: Optigen

Optigen has more than made back their money. Do you realize that other people did the research and then gave their findings to Optigen who then turned around and applied for a patent. Now that the money is made back, its time to give reasonable pricing on the test. About $40 for a test sounds fair to me. Otherwise, when the test becomes public, we will remember the unethical pricing.

Re: Optigen

I have to agree it seems to me Optigen has made their money back. I know I've tested quite a few dogs over the years and know I've contributed my fair share. I'd like to see them priced similar to the EIC test which is $65.
I see many people breeding to "normal" dogs only to avoid spending extra money testing their bitches. Wouldn't it be nice if the test was priced reasonably then I think we would see more tested bitches breeding to the best dog for that bitch..
Just a thought :)

Re: Optigen

Optigen has more than made back their money. Do you realize that other people did the research and then gave their findings to Optigen who then turned around and applied for a patent. Now that the money is made back, its time to give reasonable pricing on the test. About $40 for a test sounds fair to me. Otherwise, when the test becomes public, we will remember the unethical pricing.

"Gave" their research to Optigen? I am sure they "Sold" their research to Optigen for a very handsome sum. If you read the Optigen site, they say that the test prices vary because of the price it took to develop the tests.

This is the US, if companies are to stay in business, they need to make money. They not only have employees to pay and other overhead expenses, but many companies have stockholders and financiers they have to pay back.

The price of the test has come down tremendously. I don't find the clinic price all that out of line. OFAs and echoes are all about the same. With this test, at least you know that it is now reliable and that you never have to produce a blind dog ever again. This is priceless!

Re: Optigen


"Gave" their research to Optigen? I am sure they "Sold" their research to Optigen for a very handsome sum. If you read the Optigen site, they say that the test prices vary because of the price it took to develop the tests.

This is the US, if companies are to stay in business, they need to make money. They not only have employees to pay and other overhead expenses, but many companies have stockholders and financiers they have to pay back.

The price of the test has come down tremendously. I don't find the clinic price all that out of line. OFAs and echoes are all about the same. With this test, at least you know that it is now reliable and that you never have to produce a blind dog ever again. This is priceless![/quote]

Thank you. I agree completely. Do any of you remember when Optigen came out with their first test, they said it was a "marker" test, not the actual gene test. The was a great step forward and they eventually identified the actual gene. At first I too, had some "C" and some "B" dogs that were upgraded at no cost as the test was improved. We all used to do "pedigree analysis" to try to figure out who might be a carrier. Funny thing was, the bitch I had who should have been a carrier, eventually tested as clear and the bitch who should have been clear, turned out to be a carrier. When I Optigen test, I consider it money well spent.

Re: Optigen

"I'd like to see them priced similar to the EIC test which is $65.
I see many people breeding to "normal" dogs only to avoid spending extra money testing their bitches. Wouldn't it be nice if the test was priced reasonably then I think we would see more tested bitches breeding to the best dog for that bitch..
Just a thought :)"

Julie, you must be dreaming. . .
People are choosing not to test their bitches for EIC even at $65.00
They are choosing not to breed their bitches to the best dog for their bitch
if that dog is a PRA carrier or an EIC carrier.

Re: Optigen

I agree with the breeder who said some just breed to clear dogs. To cheap to test the girls even the $65. for EIC. They are just breeding for the money, not to have the best match for their female. Optigen is worth every penny. After buying and living with a PRA "blind" dog for years it is the best tool that ever came along. Test your females, then breed to the best dog for her anydog if she is clear. Testing is all part of breeding the responsible way. The discount days are good. We use to pay the high price and were still thankful to have it.

Re: Optigen

"I'd like to see them priced similar to the EIC test which is $65.
I see many people breeding to "normal" dogs only to avoid spending extra money testing their bitches. Wouldn't it be nice if the test was priced reasonably then I think we would see more tested bitches breeding to the best dog for that bitch..
Just a thought :)"

Julie, you must be dreaming. . .
People are choosing not to test their bitches for EIC even at $65.00
They are choosing not to breed their bitches to the best dog for their bitch
if that dog is a PRA carrier or an EIC carrier.

Yes Breeder I am Dreaming. LOL. That's why I used words as "I'd like to see", "Wouldn't it been nice" and "I think". I've been in the breed long enough to know it is all about personal ethics. I try to do what best for me, My Dogs, and My puppy families. In the end, that is the only thing I can control.

I have a personal pet peve about well used stud dogs being advertised Clear By Parentage. But again that's just me.