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Re: Virus and Vaccinations

vaccines revisited
Why do vets combine rabies with another vaccination always?? Of all people, they should know better.

One word - $$$$$

Re: Virus and Vaccinations

maybe because I am obligated to examine a dog every time I give a vaccination and most people will not pay for multiple exam fees... furthermore, the Rabies vaccination is a killed virus. Some brands may have problems but several are very safe. You people always assume that we vets are only in it to make an extra buck. There may be some who do, but I think you will find that the great majority of us try to help our clients conserve when we can.

Re: Virus and Vaccinations

maybe because I am obligated to examine a dog every time I give a vaccination and most people will not pay for multiple exam fees... furthermore, the Rabies vaccination is a killed virus. Some brands may have problems but several are very safe. You people always assume that we vets are only in it to make an extra buck. There may be some who do, but I think you will find that the great majority of us try to help our clients conserve when we can.
My VMD, trained at UPenn does not like to give 2 vaccines of any type. He has me come back in 2 to 4 weeks and has a tech come into the waiting room to administer the 2nd vaccine. He does not charge anything for the 2nd visit and isn't in it for the money. He was trained not to administer more then 1 vaccine at a time. That's what he recommends for all patients.

I don't assume that my vet is in it for an extra buck. Matter of fact he gives me a breeder discount of 20% without us asking for it. He's younger, kind to dogs and humans, takes his time explaining and has a great way with my dogs and especially the puppies. He comes to the home at the end of the day if 1 of my oldsters needs to cross over to the Rainbow Bridge. He feels no dog should have to be PTS in an office, it should be done in the home.

Since he began his practice, my dogs no longer have a fear of going to the vet. We are very lucky to have him and hope to for a long time!

Btw; his office is located in a city with over 125,000 residents. Rent is not cheap in the small city we reside in and his practice is.

I've said my piece.

Re: Virus and Vaccinations

I understand the need to ensure that all pups are 100% healthy prior to vaccinating, so how is it that a vet would know if a pup is "off" more than most observant pup owners? I tell my pup owners to absolutely NOT vaccinate if the pup is the least bit off. The vet surely wouldnt be the best judge of every pup. It strikes me as funny that some are not willing to listen to their clients who are living w/ those animals 24/7 and then turn around and insist on hitting pups w/ multiple vaccines due to convenience. Sad. I had a 10 wk old pup a few yrs ago who went in for a DHPP combo but vet tech also gave lepto (separate vaccine) because she seemed to think she knew better. Pup ended up w/ severe diarrhea and I reported it to the vaccine manufacturer who agreed w/ me it was not the right thing to do. I had the pup for the next several days while it got over the issue. Suffice to say, I'm giving their newest addition his vaccines this time myself just as I would if the pup was here. Life is too short.

Re: Virus and Vaccinations

In defense of my vet - during the wellness exam, the vet said she does not like to give too many vaccines at once, hence the second visit for the Lyme/lepto (I was pleased to hear this, as I have haven't before, normally I have to argue for splitting up vaccines) I asked about the needing the lepto, and why is it not combined in the distemper combo (as with a previous vet I used). Reason, they don't give it to all clients, only to those who require it. I think the vet we saw (same clinic) for the CPV was new, in a hurry - not sure. I did get a funny vibe from her. There are five or six veterinarians at this practice and this is the first I wasn't too thrilled with. I will wait for things to clear up - Thank you.

Re: Virus and Vaccinations

Lepto should always be given alone, so please if your vet is planning a lymes/lepto shot, do them separately.

Killed virus or not, dogs have reactions to rabies shots. Mine for one. If I didn't do it separately, I would never have known. And maybe now that he's older, he'd be fine, but I am not chancing it.

I think many pet owners don't bother to call the vet to say that their dog is feeling ill after shots, so their "experience" on this is clouded. I think many don't notice, don't put 2 and 2 together since.

I wish I could find a House-Call vet.