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Re: Virus and Vaccinations

In defense of my vet - during the wellness exam, the vet said she does not like to give too many vaccines at once, hence the second visit for the Lyme/lepto (I was pleased to hear this, as I have haven't before, normally I have to argue for splitting up vaccines) I asked about the needing the lepto, and why is it not combined in the distemper combo (as with a previous vet I used). Reason, they don't give it to all clients, only to those who require it. I think the vet we saw (same clinic) for the CPV was new, in a hurry - not sure. I did get a funny vibe from her. There are five or six veterinarians at this practice and this is the first I wasn't too thrilled with. I will wait for things to clear up - Thank you.

Re: Virus and Vaccinations

Lepto should always be given alone, so please if your vet is planning a lymes/lepto shot, do them separately.

Killed virus or not, dogs have reactions to rabies shots. Mine for one. If I didn't do it separately, I would never have known. And maybe now that he's older, he'd be fine, but I am not chancing it.

I think many pet owners don't bother to call the vet to say that their dog is feeling ill after shots, so their "experience" on this is clouded. I think many don't notice, don't put 2 and 2 together since.

I wish I could find a House-Call vet.