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Re: hip dysplaysia

The reality is you messed up! Should have been concerned 6 MONTHS ago, not now that she is 2 and failed her finals, so mych for breeding! Your concern should have been addressed in January not this late in the game. You never said was she tested for Lyme? I am guessing not, but a thing to blame it on. Lyme would not cause both hips to be moderatly dysplastic at the same time, it effects different joints differently, perhpas go online and research it before you make it the cause. Failed finals are just that FAILED, move on and learn from this expierence.

Not bashing, not talking down to just addressing the whole issue presented. I see no need to wrap it up fancy with a bow, the facts are the facts, yours don't measure up.

again JMHO

Re: hip dysplaysia

I do not know the answer to your question. Here is one experience. I had a similar concern. My puppy at 8 months had lyme (she suddenly went from active to nearly paralyzed with pain). Rush to vet, and treated. She started limping at 5 months, the vet couldn't figure out what it was, until she had symptoms. fast forward to hip Xray - I was concerned, and wondered how or if having lyme for several months would affect outcome on hips - she came back with "Good" with no symptoms or positive lyme tests since - she is four years now. Good luck.

Re: hip dysplaysia

Just answer the OP's question, no need to criticize their post. Who do you think you are? Why do you think we should care about your criticism???

JUST ANSWER THE QUESTION OR MOVE ON, IS THAT SO HARD??? Such heartless, mean, mean people.

Re: hip dysplaysia

Some studies I have read suggest that Lyme disease symptoms can mirror those of hip dysplasia. Since you have had your dog's hips evaluated, it could be reasonable to conclude that it does not have Lyme disease. That being said, if you are concerned about Lyme and your dog has been in areas prone to ticks, and/or you've found ticks on your dog, it would be a good idea to have your dog tested for it.

Regarding the hip dysplasia diagnosis, it is heartbreaking but not the end of the world. Your dog can still lead an active life, in moderation and can be kept comfortable. I too have a dog with moderate dysplasia; I keep his weight down, walk him regularly for exercise and keep his mind busy learning skills that his body can do.

Good luck.