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Re: Web design software for a mac?

Oh my gosh I could have written the original post! Same situation. I have been using iWeb every since I got my Mac and I love it but I am finding that Apple really doesn't support it anymore and I don't know that you can even get it now. That concerned me because if anything ever goes wrong with the program then I am going to be frantic to find a new one to rebuild the site. I built my original website with Dream weaver and I like it a lot at the time but not as much as iWeb. So for the last month I have been looking at all sorts of different site building programs. I thought I had found THE ONE when I stumbled on Sandvox but you can only do templates and each page can only be 'a page' not one you can scroll down like we have on our site. I do not want that. Just sat and watch a video on Wordpress and how easy it is- was not nearly as user friendly as iWEb. Looked at Dreamweaver again. Just way too much work. With iWEb it is all right there at my fingertips. Idon't even have to think 'HTML' . I don't have to go up to 'Edit' and then to the place I want to Edit, I just edit the page I am on, whatever it is.
Oh Apple please bring back iWEb. I actually sent them an email today saying just that!