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Re: pop up menu creator

I had the same one you're talking about and most of the sites I've made are having problems. I am now doing most of them over the old fashion way. Good luck finding a good yet user friendly.

Re: pop up menu creator

I had the same one you're talking about and most of the sites I've made are having problems. I am now doing most of them over the old fashion way. Good luck finding a good yet user friendly.

I noticed 2 you built having a problem from this program. I will email you to tell you which ones Bev. I noticed they began acting up a couple of months ago.

What a pain in the neck for a webmistress or webmaster that works hard to get things just right.

Re: pop up menu creator

Have you tried AllWebsMenu Pro?

Re: pop up menu creator

Easy 1-2-3 steps to add a pop-up menu on any website: