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Re: Anyone still having issues with ProPlan?

Have an 18 mo girl with a friend. It is her 3rd dog from me. She forever jumps on the band wagon with any new food. She called me about a month ago saying her girl was having digestive problems and poorly formed stools. At last I said, "For Pete's sake! Will you quit screwing around with all these designer dog foods and put her back on ProPlan Performance!" She laughed, but went out and got a bag. Her girl is now doing well again.

Re: Anyone still having issues with ProPlan?

Have an 18 mo girl with a friend. It is her 3rd dog from me. She forever jumps on the band wagon with any new food. She called me about a month ago saying her girl was having digestive problems and poorly formed stools. At last I said, "For Pete's sake! Will you quit screwing around with all these designer dog foods and put her back on ProPlan Performance!" She laughed, but went out and got a bag. Her girl is now doing well again.
You are so right. I have a friend with 2 dogs of mine, all lost bone and look weedy, but she loves to preach Blue Buffalo. She was telling someone else about BB and I had to pull them aside later and tell them absolutely not. I have a new puppy family on BB, that company has the best marketing and the worst results.