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Re: 14 week old pup won't eat!

Buy a few cans of fishy stinky cat food. Stir in only a teaspoon or two into her food.

Re: 14 week old pup won't eat!

I had a pup who was a terrible eater. He was on a lamb and rice food, as recommended by his breeder. Turns out he cannot tolerate rice. Changed his food and he loves to eat now!
It is as if he knew the food wasn't good for him.
I would change the food - different protein and different carb, and see if that helps.

Re: 14 week old pup won't eat!

I find many of my pups go off their food around that age because they are teething. I've including hand feeding to get them to eat. Mine grow out of it in a couple of weeks.

Re: 14 week old pup won't eat!

I find many of my pups go off their food around that age because they are teething. I've including hand feeding to get them to eat. Mine grow out of it in a couple of weeks.

My pups as well.

Re: 14 week old pup won't eat!

You might try worming again - sometimes that makes them feel "off"

Re: 14 week old pup won't eat!

Check her mouth. She is loosing baby teeth. Her mouth will be sore. She will eat again.

Re: 14 week old pup won't eat!

Oh for heaven's sake, just reduce her food to what she wants to eat. When she's hungry, she'll eat. She may have an entirely different idea about how much she should weigh than you do. We're not fattening them for market.