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Re: Fun matches in Mass?

Pioneer Valley used to start the season off in Chicopee in early January but the schedule has changed. Maybe someone from LRCPV will chime in!

Re: Fun matches in Mass?

We have changed our location to Tails U Win in Manchester, CT. However this year it will be an Obedience/Rally only match. Once we saw the weekend judges at W. Springfield, we deemed the Breed match would not draw this year. Next year we hope to select a better January weekend and add Breed back into our January Match.
We are also thinking (just thinking) of adding Breed to the Summer/Fall match. Still discussing that one.
Sorry folks, it was too late in the game when we realized the conflict.

Re: Fun matches in Mass?

Hi Cindy,

I just got an email with a flyer for a Lab conformation match in Mass.

The match is January 26 at Masterpeace Dog Training, 264 Fisher Street, Franklin MA. The flyer says to contact Robin MaGee or Sue Willumsen for more info.