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Re: Poop Eating

You have to pick it up as it hits the ground before your eater can get to it.

No supplement I ever tried worked.

Eventually it breaks the habit. But if you then slack off for too long the habit starts up again.

It is what it is, as much as it sucks........

Re: Poop Eating

I've had 2 puppy families contact me about this a year or so after pups went home. I told them to pick up right away AND spray poop spot with Lysol. This stopped the habit for both pups. They can't get 'tasty' leftovers when area smells and tastes like Lysol.

Re: Poop Eating

The only thing that worked for my poop eater was to actually catch her in the act, and have a come to Jesus meeting. Never ate it again.

Re: Poop Eating

I have not found anything that stops them from eating it except what the other replies have been, to pick it up right away. I am a lot like Melody as I am out with my dogs morning, noon and night picking up the poop as fast as I can keep up with them. It does cause other problems as the dogs will get ecoli (sp?) from eating it. Maybe that is why your girl is vomiting now.

Re: Poop Eating

In addition to the advice of others re: picking it up asap, I also suggest that you begin to give her acidophilus capsules, (either open up the capsule and spread the powder on her food or poke the capsule down her throat). This helps with keeping the intestinal flora, to compenstate for the "bad" bacteria she ingests by eating any poop that you are not able to get to, before she does.

Re: Poop Eating

How about rx vitamins nutrigest?