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from vetbook
"Fragmented coronoid process (loose processus coronoideus) is a common genetic disease of the coronoid process of the canine elbow resulting in elbow dysplasia, osteoarthritis and lameness .
This condition is usually associated with severe elbow incongruity and characterized by a distracted coronoid fragment abrading the adjacent humeral cartilage, causing arthritis and pain ."

↑ Phillipe Duponant
↑ Temwichitr J et al (2010) Fragmented coronoid process in the dog: a heritable disease. Vet J 185(2):123-129
↑ Samoy Y et al (2012) Arthroscopic Findings in 32 Joints Affected by Severe Elbow Incongruity with Concomitant Fragmented Medial Coronoid Process. Vet Surg Mar 5

I have not bred a dog with FCP but I can share with you that a dog who has a littermate diagnosed with FCP is more likely to produce puppies with FCP. That's why knowing about litter mates is so important.

This is very different from breeding a Grade 1 elbow. Many breeders will breed a grade 1 elbow if the OFA report does not also indicate the findings of FCP, OCD or UAP. Not saying this is right or wrong...