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Re: mildew on coat

Thanks a million, as I would have been vet bound again. Did not think about peroxide. Such a strange problem. So thrilled you have a solution that worked for you. Off to the showers she will go.

Re: mildew on coat

You should have her looked at to know what your treating. Skin scraping and or a scotch tape test. If you find yeast an OTC foot spray for athletes foot (liquid spray) might work, the peroxide might too but I doubt one application will do it if it's yeast.

One of mine has a really thick coat. I made the mistake of over rubbing the coat to get it dry, this somehow messes up the natural oils. I don't know if blow drying would do the same but I bet so. Your dog shouldn't get that wet rolling in the snow and should dry fast. Does she seem to take forever to dry on her own? My thick coated dog was like that until I stopped drying her at all. Her oils came back, she didn't smell and she dries off quicker on her own.