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Re: Recent Mom

I would say also, just start feeding the pups. I start at 3 weeks with mush. With 5 or 6 pups would still start at 4 weeks. If they are big they take alot out of her. All the feed in the world will not help.

Re: Recent Mom

double check for parasites
if all clear (also check for giardia and coccidia) …then use digestive enzymes and some oils…that should help her weight, and help her hold coat!

Re: Recent Mom

Thanks to all who responded for my help request!
Both Dam & pups have been dosed with Nemex-2 -- and I started the pups on solid/mush/gruel last week. She still looks pretty thin but I'm feeding her twice the normal amount per day and adding the cottage cheese, hamburger and chicken! She loves it!