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Re: Triscuspid Valve Dysplasia

I am very frustrated by people thinking they are safe using echo clear dogs.
There are many stud dogs out there producing TVD. Their owners know this and continue to place them at stud. These stud dogs have produced MULTIPLE puppies with different bitches and bloodlines but they are popular and make their owners big money. . One I know carries an echo clear status but after research, he and his sire have produced over 8 tvd puppies by various bitch lines.
Being "echo clear" MEANS NOTHING!!!!
By echoing we only weed out the affected.

Re: Triscuspid Valve Dysplasia

Thank you

Re: Triscuspid Valve Dysplasia

Is TVD a concern in the vast majority of today's pedigrees? I'm not trying to open a can of worms, just asking opinions. Last year I produced my first TVD puppy (who will be fine -- not a death sentence and no meds) yet I have four generations of cleared echoes behind the pup. Is TVD now like hip and elbow dysplasia where you do your best but there are no guarantees, even after years of passing clearances?

Second question: Are there any well used stud dogs who haven't produced TVD? Yes, I know the bitch is implicated too but if there's a clear stud line with generations of healthy hearts and no TVD, please let me know.

Please do not think I'm trying to start trouble; I'm genuinely concerned about where to go from here. I'm hoping someone has more knowledge than I do --- especially since a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, and I admit to having little knowledge about this.

Any help will be appreciated, but please do not post flames. I've been hesitating about posting because I know how volatile this list can get, and this situation is difficult enough without being raked over the coals. I'm not pointing fingers, nor do I want anyone else to. We're all in this together and the more we help one another, the better off our Labs will be.
I believe we're all looking for the same as you are. Unfortunately, not enough breeders are doing echo Dopplers and if a dog passes their auscultation, later fails their echo w/ mild TVD, they ride on the initial auscultation never reporting the failed echo on their website or OFA. Obviously, not everyone does that, but too many do.Scary for bitch owners!

Re: Triscuspid Valve Dysplasia

Scary for bitch owners!

As a stud dog owner, what I find scary is that so many bitch owners don't test for TVD.

Re: Triscuspid Valve Dysplasia

I too would be interested in any list. An informed choice is always better than an uninformed one. Thank you.

Re: Triscuspid Valve Dysplasia

I would love to please receive any notice of pedigrees containing TVD as well.

Re: Triscuspid Valve Dysplasia

Actually, being ECHO clear means the dog is not affected, which does mean SOMETHING. There are many heritable issues for which we do not have a definitive test to know whether or not the offspring will be affected. It is no different than being ACVO Clear for eyes - a clear dog can still produce cataracts. A dog that has never seizured can still produce seizures. A dog with OFA Excellent hips can still produce hip dysplasia. But the odds are lower than if the dog is affected or if there are affected dogs throughout the pedigree. A "clearance" is merely a piece of information; it is not a license to breed. We try to make the best decisions we can given the information we have available. I would be far more concerned about a litter bred out of dogs on prelims/no clearances (giving none of the heritable issues that often start to appear around age 2 time to present) than one bred out of "cleared" parents where there is solid familial history.

Re: Triscuspid Valve Dysplasia

The more echoes done, the better the chance of this disease not hitting breeders over the head. I am working on doing 4th generation echoes on my bitch line which makes me and the stud dog owners more comfortable. Current stud i used is 3rd generation echoe clear. The chances becom slimmer the more generations cleared by ecoes, not auscultation as a wise woman told me in the middle 2000's

We each do what we want and live with the consequences.

Re: Triscuspid Valve Dysplasia

Please e-mail me the TVD list. I'll be grateful for ever.

Re: Triscuspid Valve Dysplasia/list please

May I also get a copy of the list.
I am getting ready to breed my first litter and I am trying to make the best decision I can make for her future.
She finished her championship quite easily. Thankfully, she has passed all known clearances, echo included.

Re: Triscuspid Valve Dysplasia/list please

I would be interested in the list. Thank you for helping us all.

Re: Triscuspid Valve Dysplasia

I'd appreciate it if I could get a copy also.