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School Refusal
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The Meeting

Well, just back from the meeting - and im lost for words ! School were absolutley fantastic, they listened, understood and were so helpful I couldn't have asked for more. My son was very nervous but they put him at ease and he actually spoke !! He wants a new start at the new site in Sept and just wants tp put the old school behind him - so he is starting the new one Monday for the next 3 weeks rather than try year 9 again. This way he will know what /where is expcted in Sept and they wll even ensure he is in his friends class. He is so excited - im going to think positive about Monday i really do think he will do it lets hope so.

Thank you for thinking about us

Sar xx

Re: The Meeting


I'm delighted for you both, it must be a weight off your shoulders, I'm sure your son feels so much better as well.

Take care
Dorothy x

Re: The Meeting


So glad your meeting was positive. It must be a time for meetings with positive outcome. We had a review meeting at the secondary where my son adam attends (or should do). He will be finishing his year 7 at the Learning centre and also increasing his sessions to 5 a week at the start of yr 8. CAHMs will now be getting involved with CBT as although he is now attending quite happily the education center, any mention of returning to school and he panicks.

School are trying to collect evidence together to get a statement for him, not because of his learning ability but of his behaviour. If this can be achieved then the school will have extra resources for him to help him back to school.

The EWO is pleased with his attendance and his progress, so at the moment it is all good here too.

Kirsty xx

Re: The Meeting

Well done Sarah - and to your son. And to you Kirsty!
It always feels like the end of the road when we come across something that feels too hard - but this is what SR seems to be all about - totally unpredictable for all involved! I am glad to hear that your schools are being supportive - it gives me some hope for the future. We are still on holidays so the road is currently smooth :) All the best to everyone else battling out there -
Helen - we are lucky here that there is a new scheme that you can work through the local doctor - its a mental health care plan and it includes psychologist and psychiatrists. So am getting this for my son so that the cost of CBT is covered by our government health care. I am out of pocket for the first session and it annoys me that they charge so much! But you are not so lucky where you are in the US - however - if you can put the money into a good therapist - it is worth it I am sure.

Re: The Meeting

Hi just a quick update, and not without anxieties my son went into school this morning - I'm so proud.

Sarah xx

Re: The Meeting

Well done to both of you! All the best for this week.

Re: The Meeting

I am just back from a few days away, and have now caught up with your news, and am so pleased for you both.


Re: The Meeting

Well done to both of you

Take care
Dorothy x

Re: The Meeting

That is the best news - hope he had a good day...remember he is probably exhausted as anxiety is soo tiring, so if he doesn't rave about it, don't worry!! take each day as it comes!!


Re: The Meeting


Smiles all round ...... well done, enjoy the feeling of success.

Long may it continue.

Sue x

Re: The Meeting

Well the bubble burst this morning and he refused. EW very good and have spoken to my son and going to try again tomorrow.

Hay ho - tomorrows another day..

Sar xx

Re: The Meeting

Hi Sarah,

There is another day - and that was a big step for your son. I find with my son he manages the first day of term - but finds the next day or two almost impossible. I always think its the effort put into that first big step. It just shows that your son is trying. Take two.....don't stress (if possible!) and good luck.

Re: The Meeting

Well the rollercoaster is at full speed - my son has gone in today - he was determined to make it and he did - so well done to him.

Sar xx

Re: The Meeting

Fantastic, when my son returned to school after a term off, his therapist said to us do not expect him to go in everyday, do one day in, one day off, as anxiety is so tiring and they need a day to recharge their batteries....

So well done to him!

Re: The Meeting

He's come back very positive today, and even hung his uniform up instead of throwing it in a heap. Doesn't really want to talk about school but says he's definately going in tomorrow. He did take his mobile wth him which of course isn't allowed but felt that if he needed me he could call so i told him to keep it silent ( my feeling is that if it makes him feel better then a little rule breaking won't hurt )

Anyway lets see what the morning brings.

Sarah xx

Re: The Meeting

Hi Sarah

Well done to the two of you. It's definately take each day as it comes, celebrate the positive days and move on from the ones that didn't quite go to plan. From what you say each day looks positive, good luck for the rest of the week.

kirsty xxxx

Re: The Meeting

oh wow! How fab is that ?!

I'm so pleased for both of you.

Sue xx

Re: The Meeting

Another positive day - thats 3/4 this week !!

Sarah xx

Re: The Meeting

excellent Sarah, I can imagine the high both of you are on, well done

Take care
Dorothy x

Re: The Meeting

Well he has managed 60% attendance this week and I was really pleased, but they are now saying they are concerned about how nervous and agitated my son seems in school !!!!!!!!!!! Are we ever going to win !!.

Sar x

Re: The Meeting

Why am I not surprised!

Of course he is nervous and agitated, he doesn't want to be there, its taking all his willpower/bravery to even attend!! What do they expect!

Sarah, don't take any notice of them, just continue as you are.

I'm proud of you both, your son deserves a medal, not silly comments from people who should know better.

Sue xx

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