school refusers

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School Refusal
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Re: desperate for help! for 13 yr old daughter

Hi Karen,

How did the parent meeting go?
Maybe try negotiating going two days...or after the weekend...sometimes that gave my son some time to psych himself into going back. I wouldn't try all day. If she hasn't gone by school start time, then it probably just isn't going to happen. My son always said there was no way he was going to turn up late and have everyone look and ask why.

Re: desperate for help! for 13 yr old daughter

Hi Karen,
Firstly sorry to hear about the hard time you all are having at the moment.
It's sounds like you are describing my 12 year old son.
He too hasn't been properly back since before Christmas holidays.He doesn't move out of bed,shuts down and won't even talk to me,locks himself in the bathroom as you mentioned you're daughter did.He's on a part time timetable at the moment,but he can't manage even getting through the doors of the school.I have dropped him off (when I manage to get him out the door) to be called to go collect him.We walk everywhere,i also have a 3 year old who I have to get to nursery and a 1 year old son,so it can be super stressful.
We had a doctors appointment last night,she's referred him to people who will decide what help he may need.
I'm no expert but I think it might be a little deeper than just his anxiety.She didn't say where the referral was too though and I was so busy thinking I hadn't forgotten to mention anything,I forgot to ask!!
Also his behaviour at home has been a nightmare,extremely challenging.
He too mentions,he can't bare going back to his class as they will laugh & say stuff.Says he hates everything about the school..there's no talking to him.
Keep as posted,be great to hear how you are getting on.
Fingers crossed things will get better soon.
This has really taken a toll on my relationship with my bf and the rest of the family.Its very draining isn't it.
We here to listen.x

Re: desperate for help! for 13 yr old daughter

HI Kelly

Hope things get better soon. Is the referral to a psychologist or are you suspecting autism spectrum perhaps? Sometimes the symptoms overlap.
There can be other underlying issues with school refusal but these kids do seem to have a common thread and that is that the school environment just sends them into complete meltdown. We have never really pin pointed what the issue is with my son, except severe anxiety which then lead to depression. He had been such a happy little kid before was it the school....the family...something else....we really don't know. Things do get better - hang in there - it is a bumpy ride!
Let us know how you go.
Take care

Re: desperate for help! for 13 yr old daughter


My daughter is also 13 & we had 'school refusal' for almost 2 years. She suffers from severe anxiety. I am also a trained SEN professional & I may be able to give you some free advice.

Please visit my website.

Many thanks