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Re: medically unfit for school

Hi Kelly

I think stress either makes you loose or put on weight! But do look after yourself and even ask the doctor for some advice.
We end up getting so concerned about our kids that we forget ourselves but we are the ones that have to remain strong for the journey.

Stay strong for the meeting - and with all the notes written down, as Simon wisely suggests, you will have some reference but also you can at any stage during the meeting refer and read out some of your observations and actions to assist your son. And remember, as Simon says, it rarely goes to court. And you can always throw back at them the case that got thrown out of court by the judge a few years ago in the UK, and the school asked to pay costs as it was a clear school refusal - i.e. mental health case - and not truancy.

Let us know how you go. I had many meetings over the years the best and only one that worked in my favour was when I dressed up - took a folder under my arm and walked in and asked what they were going to do for my son. They were quite taken aback. Previously I had been made to feel like a bad mother, I felt so small and helpless and they just threw the blame at me. I think our appearance when we walk into the meeting can change the direction the meeting takes. So not matter how bad you feel on the inside - look like you know what you are doing and you need them to deliver - as in - what are they going to provide for you son whilst his mental health is this way. And don't be afraid to stress ' mental health'. It is not a behaviour issue.
All the best and take care

Re: medically unfit for school

You took the words from my keyboard, Linda!

Can you recall the details of that court case? It might be good for me to reference it as a resource, or something.