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Re: 16 day old puppy problem?

I had an almost identical thing happen to a pup, though mine was around 31 day old. He had congested breathing on Sunday and by Monday, he was very snotty, not just a little wet nose. Breathing snot bubbles got me kind of concerned. KC has been rampant here as of late and despite avoiding all dog places, shows, not wearing shoes in the house, making everyone wash their hands and wear clean clothes etc., I was very worried. Vet said his lungs were fine (what I was really worried about) and prescribed Clavamox. Pup acted and ate just fine too. None of the other pups in the litter were affected. He is just fine now.

The day before this all came about, I had a visitor who followed all proper protocol. After she left, I noticed one of the pups smelling quite heavily of fabric softener/dry sheets. I don't use heavily scented stuff, so I really noticed it. I don't recall which pup really smelled of it, but the pup that got sick was the favored on that day and was held quite a bit. I suspect the pup had a reaction to whatever she used on her clothes. Will probably never know, but it makes sense. Dang dryer sheets give me a headache, can only imagine how all that stuff effects a poor pup!

Re: 16 day old puppy problem?

Thanks everyone, the little singleton continues to improve with a little congestion still. He eats well and only clear discharge from nose and normal stool. He will be 3 weeks Thursday. He is a little fighter. The Clavamox and decongestant nose drops are helping alot.