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Re: Potty trained at 8 weeks?

OK I'm going to jump in here, let the bombs fly! I have been raising puppies over the past 30 years and mine are potty trained at 8 weeks but need to be watched after they go to their new homes and be taught the new situation, different doors and no outside access. I have had very few that weren't trained at 8 weeks and most have it down by 5-6 weeks.

Mine have indoor access and don't go inside. They will run outside to do their business and come back inside.

They do need reinforcement at their new homes and I tell the people what to look for and how to handle different situations. Mine are trained to use a doggie door on their own and have access at about 4 weeks. I have found they want to go as far away from where they sleep and eat as possible. The outside pen has a top to keep birds out and they will go to the very back of their first yard to do their business.

Re: Potty trained at 8 weeks?

I always tell people the rule of thumb is - the # of months + 1 is the max number of hours a puppy can hold their bladders until reliably house trained.

It's always worked for me.

Re: Potty trained at 8 weeks?

I agree that potty training is situational, just as all training is. The rule of thumb on 1hr per month is one I use as well but it's amazing how many think if the puppy sleeps thru the night once or 2x, it's okay, then are surprised when it comes up w/ a UTI.

I've got a "puppy preparation" document that is several pages long now that discusses a lot of this. I send it out along w/ my contract once the pups are ~7-10 days old, so I hope not to have those types of questions anymore unless for some reason they are a late comer to the litter. It's been well worth it as it addresses such things as visitation, diet, training, etc too. Worth a thought.

Re: Potty trained at 8 weeks?

My puppies are potty trained at 8 weeks and they can hold it for an 8 hours night at 10 weeks. I instruct the new owners to take the puppy out in the middle of the night until the puppy is 10 weeks old and that does it.

Re: Potty trained at 8 weeks?

"I always tell people the rule of thumb is - the # of months + 1 is the max number of hours a puppy can hold their bladders until reliably house trained.

It's always worked for me."

That is exactly what I though. Thanks. :)