The Logic Forum Guestbook

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July 10th 2015
03:33:29 PM
What is your name?  

Gordon Mullings

Where are you from?  


Please enter your comments?  

I just want to thank you for a wonderfully thoughtful site on logic and related themes.

September 30th 2009
10:43:31 AM
What is your name?  

Avi Sion

What is the title of your website:  

The Logician

Type a quick description of your website:  

Writings on logic, philosophy and spirituality

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looked for it

Where are you from?  


Please enter your comments?  

Use the Guestbook to give your general reactions to The Logician website, Avi Sion's Blog or The Logic Forum, or your thoughts on some field or topic treated in them, or simply to tell us something about yourself.

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