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June 11th 2008
12:15:06 PM
What is your first name?  


How did you find my page?  

Browsing "jesse" pages

Where are you from?  

Mid Wales, G.B

When did you first become a fan of Jesse  

A few years ago on Law and Order, although we are several years behind over here
Sincde then, I have followed his career and have the DVD and CD of Rent and have watched interviews etc. on the internet.

Do you have any comments?  

Such a gorgeous and talented man. I hope everything is going well with plans for "Sexual Healing" Jesse is the only one to play the part of Marvin Gaye. I hope this other film on Marvin is not going to interfere with production. Can't wait to see it.

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May 23rd 2008
11:19:59 AM
What is your first name?  


How did you find my page?  

browsing the web

Where are you from?  

Detroit, MI

When did you first become a fan of Jesse  

Watching the original "Law & Order" TV series.

Do you have any comments?  

Jesse L. Martin is not only a sexy hunk, he's so sweet!

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May 19th 2008
01:19:02 AM
What is your first name?  


How did you find my page?  

Just browsing the web

Where are you from?  


When did you first become a fan of Jesse  

I first became a fan of Jesse when he played on Law and Order.

Do you have any comments?  

He is one truly talented, and gifted actor. I just found out recently actually that he is a very good singer. Very nice voice, Jesse. Keep up the good work. God is blessing you, and as long as you put him first, he will continue to bless you. Take care.

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April 30th 2008
10:44:10 AM
What is your first name?  


How did you find my page?  


Where are you from?  


When did you first become a fan of Jesse  

I first saw him in the movie Restaurant with Malcolm Jamal Warner and i was hooked. i have seen every episode of Law and Order that he has been on.

Do you have any comments?  

I cried when you grabbed your box and left the station on the last episode of Law and Order. you are truly a gifted actor and i wish you the best of success in years to come. i will watch everything that you are in
God Bless You!!
take care,
and remember we are all behind you 100% in everything that you do

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April 11th 2008
01:26:18 PM
What is your first name?  


How did you find my page?  

just browsing (google)

Where are you from?  

Minneapolis-St Paul, MN

When did you first become a fan of Jesse  

About four years ago, on "Law and Order".

Do you have any comments?  

Have thoroughly enjoyed your performances on "Law and Order". Will miss you there. Looking forward to your protrayal of Marvin Gaye. Best of luck to you always!

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February 20th 2008
06:29:48 PM
What is your first name?  


How did you find my page?  

Google Search

Where are you from?  

Middleton, Wisconsin

When did you first become a fan of Jesse  

When i saw him on Law and Order and RENT.

Do you have any comments?  

Is there any way I can join this website and/or get Jesse's email/regular address? Does he usually answer fan mail? Please email me with your answer. Please answer this back as soon as you can!!!!!!!!!

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January 5th 2008
08:42:50 PM
What is your first name?  


How did you find my page?  


Where are you from?  


When did you first become a fan of Jesse  

Law and Order

Do you have any comments?  

I have been a fan since I first saw him on Law and Order. I love the character he plays. Then I had the chance to see him in Rent. He is just remarkable. There is just something about him, not only is he a very fine looking man, but he can sing. He has a very beautiful voice. I love to watch him act he is great. He is very talented and blessed. He has a fan from back in VA. I wish him the best in whatever he may do in the future.

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December 26th 2007
09:15:23 PM
What is your first name?  


How did you find my page?  


Where are you from?  


When did you first become a fan of Jesse  


Do you have any comments?  

I watched Rent for the first time today, and just fell in love with Jesse and his character. I recognized him from Law and Order, but I never knew the depth of his acting talent and that he had a beautiful, deep singing voice as well. I am definitely a fan!

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December 24th 2007
09:19:12 PM
What is your first name?  


How did you find my page?  

I was watching LAW & ORDER

Where are you from?  


When did you first become a fan of Jesse  


Do you have any comments?  

You are great on the show

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December 14th 2007
03:44:40 PM
What is your first name?  


How did you find my page?  


Where are you from?  

Philadelphia, PA

When did you first become a fan of Jesse  

Law & Order

Do you have any comments?  


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