school refusers

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Re: Dunno how long I can go on

To Sarah and everyone on here it helps so much that you support me, felt like no-one cared. Now I know they do. We will plod on and see what happens. Thanks goodness its half term next week, dont have to think about schooling.

Thanks again all xxx

Re: Dunno how long I can go on

we are here and we do care - very much.

relax and enjoy half term

sar x

Re: Dunno how long I can go on

Exactly the same thing happened to us, we were backed into a corner and had no choice but de-register our son to avoid prosectution. I was scared stiff at what we had taken on but 4-5 months down the line things are going well and my son is coming back to life. It is hard work but no harder than the daily mental battle of will we get him in today, how big a fight/arguement etc etc. There are on-line tutoring services which we have used to back track and catch up on his education...if you want to know what they let me know. Good luck and keep going, its worth it....XX

Re: Dunno how long I can go on

Hi Tracey,

Your story played on my mind, its so horrid when you are not in control of your own life and professionals try to back you into a corner.

I looked up 'Home Educating in West Midlands' and found this site, thought it might help.

Good luck.

Sue and M. x

Re: Dunno how long I can go on

Hi Tracey,

Sorry it has become so overwhelming. What the others have said on here I hope can help.

It sounds like you have slipped through the support net and there are probably people there to help you but they are not aware of your situation.
We have all been in similar circumstances to your position at differing times and sometimes we have found a breakthrough with the support and at other times it just seems very hard to find. Hang in there and know that you are a good mum (don't let them ever tell you otherwise- we have all heard the blame come back to us from those who have no idea, including the so called professionals). Let your son know you understand him and are there for him.

I wonder if the UK Anxiety organisation might offer any advice? (website below). There is a mentoring scheme they run in Manchester which is not much help to you but there might be others. Whilst it is probably set up for adults - they might be able to help with teenagers if you son has not been able to go to school for this long. Has he been able to attend any school in the past three years?


Re: Dunno how long I can go on

Hi again Tracey. Have you heard of this? Might be worth checking out. It is an on-line schoolcollege from 10-18 years old.

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